NCR no. 39 – 2009/1

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NCR no. 39 2009/1


  1. Lauge Fuglsang Nielsen
    Self-Compacting Concrete – modelled as a Bingham Composite
    Abstract NCR 39-01.pdf   NCR 39-1 (pdf document)
  2. Irina Sæther & Bjørnar Sand
    FEM simulations of reinforced concrete beams attacked by corrosion
    Abstract NCR 39-02.pdf   NCR 39-2 (pdf document)
  3. Peter Simonsson & Mats Emborg
    Industrialized construction: Benefits using SCC in cast in situ construction
    Abstract NCR 39-03.pdf   NCR 39-3 (pdf document)
  4. Peter Simonsson & Mats Emborg
    Increasing productivity through utilization of new construction techniques and
    Lean Construction philosophies in civil engineering projects
    abstract NCR 39-04.pdf   NCR 39-4 (pdf document)
  5. Hendrik Schlune, Mario Plos & Kent Gylltoft
    Non-linear Finite Element Analysis for Practical Application
    Abstract NCR 39-05.pdf   NCR 39-5 (pdf document)
  6. Peter Harryson
    Laboratory test and finite element analyses of a prototype bridge beam
    Abstract NCR 39-06.pdf   NCR 39-6 (pdf document)

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