– a Nordic network within Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC)
A Nordic Network with the objective to exchange results and knowledge in order to establish an improved basis for use of Self Consolidating Concrete.
Use of Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) contributes to increased productivity and improved working environment in the construction industry.
Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) is a collaborative term for concrete which may be placed without addition of compacting energy, e.g. by poker vibrators.
Driven by the great potential of increased productivity (e.g. faster casting operation and with less workers) and improved working environment (no use of heavy, vibrating and noisy compacting tools) SCC is presently in focus in many countries, the Nordic countries included.
SCC has a potential to replace the major part of common vibrated concrete. Since the major volume of concrete is used in buildings with less demanding performance requirements, and thus with lower price, it is necessary to develop compliant SCC with acceptable price. This has shown to be a challenging task and the technology for production of such “cheap” SCC is young and not yet sufficiently spread.
The network objectives are to:
- Increase the fundamental SCC knowledge
- Develop methods for measuring stability of fresh SCC
- Develop a Nordic SCC Guideline
- Enrol the contractors in order to make them more familiar with SCC and thus increase the SCC market share
Network members
Membership is free of charge and open to everyone who is interested. PhD students are especially encouraged to participate.
Next meeting
The next meeting in the Nordic SCCNet will be held …….