The Research Council (RCNCF) and Editorial Board for Nordic Concrete Research (NCR)

The purpose of the Research Council of the Nordic Concrete Federation (RCNCF) is to stimulate inter-nordic concrete research to promote a continuously positive impact on both Nordic and international utilisation of concrete.Major activities for the Research Council are:

  • Triennial Concrete Research meetings. These meetings attract 150 – 200 concrete researchers and act as fora for presenting actual Nordic concrete research projects. (Delegates from outside the Nordic countries are welcome to attend, but will have no possibility for presenting papers on their own research).
    These meetings further help young scientists to develop Nordic acquaintances on both a professional and personal level, thus stimulating continuation of the inter-Nordic research co-operation.
  • Best paper award in NCR publications shared every third year on the Nordic Concrete Research Symposium.
  • Initiating Nordic Thematic Workshops, as meetings between a limited number of active Nordic researchers on a specific theme.
  • Publish the bi-annual publication “Nordic Concrete Research” – NCR. NCR is an English language publication publishing papers from Nordic concrete researchers within concrete technology, durability and structural design.
  • Increase the availability of improve access to information on concrete related research activities and arrangements in the Nordic countries via this internet homepage.


Chairman for the Research Committee (RCNCF):
2021 – 2022: Sweden Concrete Association (Johan Silfwerbrand)
2017 – 2021 : Norway Concrete Association (Terje F. Rønning)

Editor of Nordic Concrete Research publicatons (NCR):
Johan Silfwerbrand with mail [email protected]

Questions: [email protected] with cc [email protected] or [email protected]

NCF workspace (login required)

Denmark Concrete Association Wolfgang Kunther
Associate professor
Technical University of Denmark
Brovej, building 118
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Phone: +45 4525 1752
[email protected]
Jens Peder Ulfkjær
Associate professor
Aarhus University
Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, building 3210
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 4189 3197
[email protected]
Finland Concrete Association Professor Jouni Punkki
Aalto University
Department of Civil Engineering
P.O.Box 12100
FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Mobile: +358 50 322 4155
[email protected]
Dr. Jukka Lahdensivu
Tampere University
P.O.Box 527
Mobile: +358 400 733 852
[email protected]
Iceland Concrete Association Dr. Gísli Guðmundsson
Innovation Center Iceland
IS – 112 Keldnaholti
Tel.: +354 775 4035
[email protected]
Dr. Olafur H. Wallevik
Innovation Center Iceland
IS – 112 Keldnaholti
Tel: +354 522 9000
Mobile: +354 860 7650
[email protected]
Norway Concrete Association Dr. Terje F. Rønning
Heidelberg Cement NE
Application & development
P.O.Box 38, N 22- 3991 Brevik
Tel.: +47 22 87 85 00
Mobile: +47 915 76 046
[email protected]
Ola Skjølsvold
SINTEF Community
Arkitektur, Byggemtrl. & Konstruksjoner
N-7034 Trondheim
Mobile: +47 930 58 691
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Mette R. Geiker
Department of Structural Engineering
N – 7491  Trondheim
Mobile: +47 4045 1218
[email protected]  
Sweden Concrete Association Tekn. Dr. Peter Utgenannt
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
P.O. Box 857
SE – 501 15 Borås
Tel: +46 10 516 68 70
Mobile: +46 70 645 20 08
[email protected]
Mårten Janz
Hallenborgs Gt 4
P.O. Box 585
SE-201 25 Malmö
Mobile: +46 70 293 63 38
[email protected]
Chief Editor
Johan Silfwerbrand
KTH – Byggvetenskap
Brinellvägen 23, Stockholm
Tel.: +46 8 790 80 33
[email protected]
Publishing Morten Bjerke
Norsk Betongforening
Postboks 2312 Solli
N – 0201 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 94 75 00
Mobile: +47 932 59 554
[email protected]