NCR no. 48 – 2013/2

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Full report: NCR 48-2013/2 (pdf document)


  1. Martin Kaasgaard & Claus Pade
    Influence of curing temperature and maturity on chloride permeability of con- crete containing fly ash or slag
    Abstract NCR 48-01
  2. Cosmin Popescu, Cosmin Dăescu, Nagy-György Tamás & Gabriel Sas
    Disturbed Regions in Dapped-End Beams – Numerical Simulations of Strengthening Techniques
    Abstract NCR 48-02
  3. Rolands Cepurītis
    Manufactured sand crushing process parameters: short review and evaluation for sand performance in fresh concrete
    Abstract NCR 48-03
  4. Katalin Orosz, Thomas Blanksvärd, Björn Täljsten & Gregor Fischer
    Crack developmenNCR no. 48 2013/2t and deformation behavior of CFRP-reinforced mortars
    Abstract NCR 48-04

Research Council and Editorial Board of NCR – from page: 71

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