NCR no. 12 – 1993/1

NCR no. 12 1993/1 (Complete pdf document)

  1. Bent Steen Andreasen
    Cast-in-place bonded anchors
  2. Will Hansen, Prijatmadi Tjiptobroto
    Prediction of inelastic tensile strain capacity of high performance fiber reinforced composites (frc) – a parametric study
  3. Jan Havdahl, Harald Justnes
    The alkalinity of cementitious pastes with microsilica cured at ambient and elevated temperatures
  4. Stefan Jacobsen, Tom Farstad, Hans Christian Gran, Erik Sellevold
    Frost/salt scaling of no-slump concrete
  5. Agnes Nagy, Sven Thelandersson
    Modelling termal effects in young concrete
  6. Mats Emborg, Gustaf Westman, Stig Bernander
    Risks of thermal cracks in bridge columns during hydration


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