NCR no. 59 – 2/2018 

Click here to see the NCR no. 59 2018/2 (pdf document)

Click here to see each articles in NCR 59.

1. Tobias Danner & Harald Justnes
The Influence of Production Parameters on PozzolanicReactivity of Calcined Clays

2. MathiasFlansbjer & Jan Erik Lindqvist
Meso Mechanical Study of Cracking Process in Concrete Subjected toTensile Loading

3. Jukka Lahdensivu, Pirkko Kekäläinen & Alina Lahdensivu
Alkali-silica Reaction in Finnish Concrete Structures

4. Otto During, Silu Bhochhibhoya, Ramesh Kumar Maskey & Rajendra Joshi
Rice Husk Resource for Energy and Cementitious Products with Low CO2 Contributions

5. Farid Ullah, Fahim Al-Neshawy & Jouni Punkki
Early Age Autogenous Shrinkage of Fibre Reinforced Concrete

6. Ulla Kytölä & Anssi Laaksonen
Prediction of Restraint Moments in Precast, Prestressed Structures MadeContinuous

7. Kimmo Jalonen, Joonas Tulonen & Anssi Laaksonen
Influence of Cracking on Effects of Restrained Deformations in a Post-tensioned ConcreteBridge

8. Andres Belda Revert, Klaartje De Weerdt, Ulla Hjorth Jakobsen & Mette Rica Geiker
Impact of Accelerated Carbonation on Microstructure and PhaseAssemblage

Research Council & Editorial Board of NCR 127

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