Nordic panel for concrete standardization – formerly NUBS

Nordic panel for concrete standardization (NPCS) – formerly NUBS

Nordic panel for concrete standardization (NPCS) – formerly NUBS –  ’Nordisk udvalg/utskott/ för betongstandardisering’ (NUBS) was started in the mid 90-ties when the first generation of a number of important CEN standards and the codes for concrete were being developed. The Nordic norms were at that time in many respects advanced in comparison with their equivalents on the continent. It was crucial to defend our positions in order not to be forced to step back regarding concrete technology and cost efficiency. NPCS was opened as the platform for leading Nordic experts to coordinate our efforts and thereby strengthening the Nordic voice and voting power in CEN. The prime targets for the work was and still is EN 206 and Eurocode 2 but several other standards such as execution, precast products and test methods have also been covered.

In NCPS the Nordic countries coordinates the Nordic view of central European standards. The group have meetings minimum once a year.

Norway host the meetings in 2012, 2013, 2014.
Finland host the meetings in 2015, 2016, 2017.
Denmark host the meetings in 2018, 2019, 2020.

The coordinator is Ari Mantila – The Finnish Concrete Industri Association – [email protected]
and following participating: