
Workshop proceedings can be be downloaded or purchased from the Norwegian Concrete Association. Proceedings in hard copy is not available for all numbers.
Please send an email to [email protected] if you want to order one.

Planned workshops:

Date: Wednesday 20 April 2022
– at Technical University of Denmark(Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)

Friday last week, new COVID-19 restrictions were announced in Denmark. They also impose restrictions on conferences, meetings etc. Therefore, it is not realistic that we can have a workshop like the one we planned in January. Katja and I do not find that an online meeting is a good alternative. A very important part of a workshop is the discussions of the presentations, and the discussion part is difficult to facilitate online. Therefore, we have decided to postpone the event.

There is room for 2-3 extra presentations in the program in April, in addition to what we already have, so if you have not already sent an abstract but would like to present in April, please let Marianne know ([email protected]).

If you have already registered
If you have already registered for the workshop in January, you registration will be transferred to the workshop in April.
But If you do not want to participate in April, please let Marianne know ([email protected]) and you will get a refund for the registration fee.

For more information please see web site link or NCR workshop – Tentative program April 20

There will be no workshop proceedings. It is planned to submit an extensive workshop summary to the journal “Nordic Concrete Research”. All workshop presenters will be asked if they would like to co-author the summary.

Previous workshops:

Nordic workshop: “Recent developments of UltraHigh Performance Concrete (UHPC) for structural applications” – 9. December 2020 – Digital
Program: Nordic workshop UHPC_09. December 2020

Nordic Workshop: Design and construction of sustainable concrete structures: causes, calculation and consequences of cracks – October 16th – 17th, 2019, Oslo, Norway

Nordic Workshop: Concrete in Artic Conditions – June 18th – 19th 2019, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Nordic workshop: Structural lightweight aggregate concrete in Trondheim the 20. of February 2019, Norway

Nordic workshop: «Determination of relative humidity in concrete» 7. – 8. of November 2018 in Trondheim, Norway

Nordic mini-seminar:  “Crack width calculation methods for large concrete structures”  29. – 30. August 2017, Oslo, Norway
Program: Workshop, Oslo, August 2017.

Nordic Concrete Federation miniseminar/workshop on Repair of chloride infected concrete in Oslo on the 31st of January 2017.
For inquiries regarding the workshop:

Contact Berit G. Petersen at [email protected]


NUCCON 2016 – CONCRETE FOR NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 31th October – 1th November 2016
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or by Tel.: +358 401 380 546 (Miguel Ferreira)
Read more in Miniseminar NUCCON2016-Nuclear Concrete Seminar

2nd Nordic miniseminar on “Residual service life & capacity of detoriated concrete structures” in Oslo, 1-2 of June 2016.

Read more in NCF – Miniseminar 1-2. mars 2016 i Oslo på HiO

Workshop instructions: