NCR Publications

NCR publications are from NCR no. 58 published by  on behalf of NCF:

Manuscripts for new papers should be sent to:

Manuscripts for new papers should be uploaded in the Scholar One Manuscripts system via this link.

Then create a Scholar One account and go to the author tab and follow the instruction for upload you manuscript.

Have you questions, use the “help” function or contact:
Editor Johan Silfwerbrand by e-mail: [email protected]
or chief adviser Morten Bjerke in Norwegian Concrete Association / Tekna by e-mail to: [email protected]

Deadline for submitting papers:
June issue: 31th of March
December issue: 30th of September

Instructions and checklist for authors can be found in this link on

For purchase of publications NCR 59 and earlier numbers:
(all numbers are unfortunately not available)

Please contact: [email protected]
Price for one publication is NOK 350;
There will be a postage / handling fee on each shipment.